The Web is no longer static; it's dynamic. As the information content of the Web grows, so does the need to make Web sites more dynamic. Think of an e-shop that has 1,000 products. The owner has to create 1,000 Web pages (one for each product), and whenever anything changes, the owner has to change all those pages. Ouch!!! Wouldn't it be easier to have only one page that created and served the content on the fly from the information about the products stored in a database, depending on the client request?
Nowadays sites have to change constantly and provide up-to-date news, information, stock prices, and customized pages. PHP and SQL are two ways to make your site dynamic.
Create dynamic sites with PHP & MySQL
Labels: php 0 comments
Creating the illusion of depth in images was first invented 1838 by Sir Charles Wheatstone. It is today still a great experience to
view high quality large format images with depth perception, exceptionally of virtual objects like reconstructions of the past or
building projects.
High quality presentation of computer graphics is provided by projection onto a transparent screen surface from behind. Image
separation can be easily performed by polarisation filters in front of the projection lenses. It is necessary that the beholders carry
polarized glasses. Interactive viewing in this context means, that the observer is able to select image pairs from the database, can
zoom in and out, select the display details and sets the zero parallax to an arbitrary position. The selection must be simultaneously
transferred to the second image of the stereoscopic pair.
While each data projector is driven by its own computer, a PDA (personal digital assistant) is recommended to receive the
instructions from the presenter or viewer. That network configuration requires amongst other software tools Bluetooth, to connect
the PDA to a local computer network, and ActiveSync, to hold a continuous connection between the PDA and the host computer.
Furthermore a Web server with PHP (hypertext pre processor) extension is running. Web browsers are acting as clients on both
computers and the PDA as well.
The challenge is now to write an application software that provides an interface on the PDA to set the adjustments and pushes the
image information to the graphic cards of the host and the slave computer. To minimize the effort in software development, open
source software components are largely applied to this system. We take advantages from Mozilla Firefox Web browser and Apache
Web server.
Privacy policy
1. respects the privacy of its users and does not collect any personally identifiable user information without prior notice. Web statistics are the sole and private property of and are only used for troubleshooting purposes.
Information we collects
2. generally collects personally identifying information with your specific knowledge and consent. When you register to become a member of and subscribe to our services, you are asked to provide information, such as your e-mail address, name and/or other information.
Use of this information
3. uses this information to provide you with the service you have requested. For example, if you subscribe to any of our newspapers, we may use your e-mail address to send you a confirmation notice.
4. We may also use the information to communicate with you about new features, products or services, or to improve the services that we offer by tailoring them to your needs.
5. We may allow access to our database by third parties that provide us with services, such as technical maintenance or forums and job search software, but only for the purpose of and to the extent necessary to provide those ervices. does not bear any responsibility for any actions or policies of third parties.
6. may use cookies to keep some information that are placed by a Web site in a storage place on your own computer. We use cookies to control the display of ads, to track usage patterns on the site, to deliver editorial content, and to record registration and personalization information. Our cookies may contain personally identifiable information and such cookies may be shared with our affiliated companies.
7. Some of our advertisers occasionally serve you cookies as well. We do not have control over cookies placed by advertisers. As a result of your visit to our site, ad server companies may collect information such as your domain type, your IP address and clickstream information.
8. If you don’t want cookies stored on your computers, your Web browser would likely include an option that allows you to not accept cookies. However, if you set your browser to refuse cookies, some portions of may not function properly.
Ad Servers
9. To try and bring you offers that are of interest to you, we have relationships with other companies like Google (, Kontera, Chitika, Commission Junction, ClickBank etc. that place ads on our web site. As a result of your visit to our site, ad server companies, with the help of cookies, may collect information such as your domain type, your IP address and clickstream information. For further information, consult the privacy policy of each those websites. Privacy Policy of Google is available at
10. While your individual information is protected as outlined above, we reserve the right to use aggregated anonymous data about our users as a group for any business purpose, such as analyzing usage trends and seeking compatible advertisers and partners.
10. is not intended for use by minors or children, especially those under age 18. No one under age 18 is allowed to provide any personal information or use our public discussion areas, forums and/or chats. Minors between the ages of 13 and 17 must get the permission of their parent(s) or legal guardians(s) before using our services, including registration and/or subscriptions to our services offered by this site.
11. If your children disclose information about themselves in our public discussion areas, they may get unsolicited messages from other parties. cannot be held responsible for any action by your children while using our services, with or without your consents.
Links to other Web sites
12. This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
Revision of this Privacy Policy
13. This Privacy Policy may be modified from time to time without any prior notice to the visitors. Continued access of by you will constitute your acceptance of any changes or revisions to the Privacy Policy. It is the goal of to bring you information that is tailored to your individual needs and, at the same time, protect your privacy.
Labels: privacy policy 0 comments
Creating the illusion of depth in images was first invented 1838 by Sir Charles Wheatstone. It is today still a great experience to
view high quality large format images with depth perception, exceptionally of virtual objects like reconstructions of the past or
building projects.
High quality presentation of computer graphics is provided by projection onto a transparent screen surface from behind. Image
separation can be easily performed by polarisation filters in front of the projection lenses. It is necessary that the beholders carry
polarized glasses. Interactive viewing in this context means, that the observer is able to select image pairs from the database, can
zoom in and out, select the display details and sets the zero parallax to an arbitrary position. The selection must be simultaneously
transferred to the second image of the stereoscopic pair.
While each data projector is driven by its own computer, a PDA (personal digital assistant) is recommended to receive the
instructions from the presenter or viewer. That network configuration requires amongst other software tools Bluetooth, to connect
the PDA to a local computer network, and ActiveSync, to hold a continuous connection between the PDA and the host computer.
Furthermore a Web server with PHP (hypertext pre processor) extension is running. Web browsers are acting as clients on both
computers and the PDA as well.
The challenge is now to write an application software that provides an interface on the PDA to set the adjustments and pushes the
image information to the graphic cards of the host and the slave computer. To minimize the effort in software development, open
source software components are largely applied to this system. We take advantages from Mozilla Firefox Web browser and Apache
Web server.
Labels: Ajax 0 comments
Creating the illusion of depth in images was first invented 1838 by Sir Charles Wheatstone. It is today still a great experience to
view high quality large format images with depth perception, exceptionally of virtual objects like reconstructions of the past or
building projects.
High quality presentation of computer graphics is provided by projection onto a transparent screen surface from behind. Image
separation can be easily performed by polarisation filters in front of the projection lenses. It is necessary that the beholders carry
polarized glasses. Interactive viewing in this context means, that the observer is able to select image pairs from the database, can
zoom in and out, select the display details and sets the zero parallax to an arbitrary position. The selection must be simultaneously
transferred to the second image of the stereoscopic pair.
While each data projector is driven by its own computer, a PDA (personal digital assistant) is recommended to receive the
instructions from the presenter or viewer. That network configuration requires amongst other software tools Bluetooth, to connect
the PDA to a local computer network, and ActiveSync, to hold a continuous connection between the PDA and the host computer.
Furthermore a Web server with PHP (hypertext pre processor) extension is running. Web browsers are acting as clients on both
computers and the PDA as well.
The challenge is now to write an application software that provides an interface on the PDA to set the adjustments and pushes the
image information to the graphic cards of the host and the slave computer. To minimize the effort in software development, open
source software components are largely applied to this system. We take advantages from Mozilla Firefox Web browser and Apache
Web server.
Labels: Ajax 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Integrating TEX, MetaPost, JavaScript and PDF
When Acrobat Forms were discussed at the pdf TEX mailing list, Phillip Taylor confessed :“...they’re one of the nicest features of pdf”. Sebastian Ratztoldus that he was “...convinced that people are waiting for forms.”. A few mails later here ported : “I just found I can embed JavaScript in forms, I can see the world is my oyster ” after which in a personal mail he challenged me to pickup the Acrobat Forms plugin and wishing me “ HappyJavaScripting ”.
Labels: Java Script 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - AJAX and Connection Manager
As far as web interface design techniques are concerned, AJAX is definitely the way to go. So what JavaScript library worth its salt these days wouldn't want to include a component dedicated to this extremely useful and versatile method of client/server communication?
The Connection Manager utility is by no means the smallest, most light-weight component included with the YUI, but it's certainly not the largest either, yet it packs so much functionality into just 12Kb (for the–min version).
Labels: Ajax 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Oracle Spatial Object Reader/Writer
The Oracle Spatial Reader/Writer module provides the Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) with the ability to read and write geometric, raster and attribute data stored using Oracle Spatial. This module communicates directly with Oracle Spatial for maximum throughput. Both the relational and object-relational models of Oracle Spatial are supported by FME: the object-relational model is discussed here and the relational model is discussed in a separate chapter – Oracle Spatial Relational Reader/Writer on page 1679. The object-relational model is often referred to as simply the object model, to prevent confusion with the pure relational model.
Labels: database 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Oracle OpenCyc Interface
This do cument contains information on how to install and use the Oracle OpenCyc interface. The two rectangles with dotted lines are the Oracle OpenCyc interface.
Labels: database 0 comments
free ebook and template - PHP Pdf Creation
This class is designed to provide a non-module, non-commercial alternative to dynamically creating pdf documents from within PHP. Obviously this will not be quite as quick as the module alternatives, but it is surprisingly fast, this demonstration page is almost a worst case due to the large number of fonts which are displayed. There are a number of features which can be within a Pdf document that it is not at the moment possible to use with this class, but I feel that it is useful enough to be released. This document describes the possible useful calls to the class, the readme.php file (which will create this pdf) should be sufficient as an introduction. Note that this document was generated using the demo script 'readme.php' which came with this package.
Labels: php 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Smarty, the compiling PHP template engine
It is undoubtedly one of the most asked questions on the PHP mailing lists : how do I make my PHP scripts independent of the layout ? While PHP is billed as "HTML embedded scripting language", after writing a couple of projects that mixed PHP and HTML freely one comes up with the idea that separation of form and content is a Good Thing[TM]. Inaddition, in many companies the roles of layout designer and programmer are separate. Consequently, the search for a templating solution ensues.
In our company for example, the development of an application goes on as follows : After there quirements docs are done, the interface designer makes mockups of the interface and gives them to the programmer. The programmer implements business Logic in PHP and uses interface mockups to create skelet on templates. The project is then handed off to the HTML designer / webpage layout person who brings the templates up to their full glory. The project may go back and forth between programming /HTML a couple of times. Thus, its important to have good template support be cause programmers don’t want anything to do with HTML and don’t want HTML designers mucking around with PHP code. Designers need support for config files, dynamic blocks and other interface issues, but they don’t want to have to deal with intricacies of the PHP programming language
Labels: php 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial-PHP Integration with object relational DBMS
The definition and properties of an API between Amos II and PHP are the main topic soft his report. Amos II (Active Mediator Object System)is an extensible functional multidatabase system[1]. Functional queries, expressed in AmosQL, can be executed by one database or over a federation of distributed databases. AmosQL is a query language similar to the OOparts of SQL-99. Further more Amos II can be set up as a stand alone main-memory object-relational DBMS.
Two kinds of interfaces are offered between Amos II and the programming languages C[5] or Java[6], the call in interface and the call out interface. To call Amos II from an application the call in interface can be used. Establishing connections, sending queries and dealing with result sets are tasks of this interface. Contrary the call out interface is able to call external functions from C or Java. Once known to Amos II, these external functions can be used in AmosQL queries. The call in and call out interfaces permit the development of wrappers. Wrappers are small program modules that can access external data, for example XML documents, relational databases, webforms, MIDI files and web browsers.
Labels: php 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - JavaScript Scripting Guide for QuickTime
JavaScript can interact with QuickTime invarious ways. You can use JavaScript in a browser to detect Whether QuickTime is installed, you can use JavaScript to create the tags used to embed QuickTime content in a webpage, and you can use JavaScript to query and control the QuickTime plug-indirectly. This document describes client-side scripting using JavaScript and QuickTime browser plug-ins. All QuickTime browser plug-ins expose the exact same interfaces to JavaScript, whether the plug-in Is an Active Xcontrol, a Cocoa plug-in, or a Netscape-styleplug-in, allowing the same script to operate identically for Internet Explorer, Safari, FireFox, Mozilla, and other browsers that support plug-in scripting. Browsers that support the W3CsDOM Level 3 specification can receive DOM events from QuickTime, allowing movie events to trigger JavaScript functions without having to set timers or poll QuickTime for status events
Labels: Java Script 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - A Taxonomy of JavaScript Redirection Spam
Redirection spam presents a web page with false content to a crawler for indexing, but automatically redirects the browser to a different web page. Redirection is usually immediate (on page load) but may also be triggered by a timer or a harmless user event such as a mouse move. JavaScript redirection is the most notorious of redirection techniques and is hard to detect as many of the prevalent crawlers are script-agnostic. In this paper, we study common JavaScript redirection spam techniques on the web. Our findings indicate that obfuscation techniques are very prevalent among JavaScript redirection spam pages. These obfuscation techniques limit the effectiveness of static analysis and static feature based systems. Based on our findings, we recommend a robust counter measure using a light weight JavaScript parser and engine
Labels: Java Script 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Diving into JavaScript
If you've read other JavaScript books, you may have had to slog through pages and pages about functions, methods, operands, and so on, before ever learning how to write even the simplest script. As you get into JavaScript, you'll need to understand those concept sand more, but you can start spiffing up your web pages just by diving into JavaScript. That ís what this chapter is about. By the time you've finished, you'll know two handy scripts, one to add descriptive comments to the status bar, and the other to use the time to serve custom pages. More importantly, you’ll understand why the scripts do what they do, and you’ll be ready to wade a little more deeply into JavaScript.
Labels: Java Script 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Oracle Database Security Checklist
Since Oracle9i, Oracle has been working with customers to better understand their desired default configurations and harden the Oracle environment. For several major releases of the database, the Oracle documentation has provided guideance on securely configuring the Oracle Database. New with Oracle Database 11g is the Oracle Database 2 Day + Security Guide, an excellent introductory reference for Oracle Database Security
Labels: database 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - 4D Ajax Framework 1.2 Addendum
The 4D Ajax Framework developers have heeded the requests of many 4D developers to make version 1.2 a much more customizable and effi- cient product than version 1.1. New developer hooks are introduced, a newer and more robust callback schema is implemented, and the framework itself went through a diet of sorts by reducing unneeded resources for the purpose of optimizing speed and performance. These changes, along with the numerous bug fixes, have made the 4D Ajax Framework an impressively improved build that 4D developers are sure to love.
Labels: Ajax 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Java for WebObjects developers
If you plan on building WebObjects applications, you need to become a Java programmer. Java is a popular programming language available in many diverse contexts for implementing real software solutions. But Java is more than just a programming language—it is a set of tools, a runtime with a virtual machine, a broad landscape of packages full of reusable classes. Java is an environment. Learning Java “the environment” seems overwhelming the first time you approach it. There are reams of on-line materials, and bookstores are brimming with all kinds of Java books. It may be difficult to decide where to start, especially if your primary goal is to learn how to develop applications with WebObjects.
Labels: Java 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Writing Robust Java Code
This white paper describes a collection of standards, conventions, and guidelines for writing solid Java code. They are based on sound, proven software engineering principles that lead to code that is easy to understand, to maintain, and to enhance. Furthermore, by following these coding standards your productivity as a Java developer should increase remarkably – Experience shows that by taking the time to write high-quality code right from the start you will have a much easier time modifying it during the development process. Finally, following a common set of coding standards leads to greater consistency, making teams of developers significantly more productive.
Labels: Java 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - MySQL 5.0 Stored Procedures
This book is for long-time MySQL users who want to know "what's new" in version 5. The short answer is "stored procedures, triggers, views, information_schema". The long answer is the “MySQL 5.0 New Features” series, and this book is the first in the series. What I'm hoping to do is make this look like a hands-on session where you, as if you're working it out yourself on your keyboard, can walk through sample problems.
Labels: database 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Hackproofing MySQL
MySQL claims to be the world's most popular open source database, and with good reason. It is free, runs on a wide variety of platforms, is relatively simple, easy to configure and performs well even under significant load. By comparison to some other popular database management systems, configuring it is quite simple, but there are still a sufficiently wide variety of security-relevant configuration issues to make securing it a challenge.
Labels: database 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Oracle 9i RAC and the Red Hat Global File System
This application brief addresses how Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Red Hat Global File System can simplify shared storage management for Oracle 9i RAC deployments. Oracle 9i RAC is a scalable, highly-available, clustered database that runs efficiently on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and low-cost servers and storage. In December 2003, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle RAC set the world record for the TPC-C benchmark, achieving over 1 million transactions per minute on a shared storage cluster of 16 industry servers.
Labels: database 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - ionCube PHP Encoder 6.5 User Guide
The ionCube PHP Encoder is a powerful, high performance solution for encoding and licensing PHP scripts and encrypting files of any type. The Encoder protects PHP /HTML scripts with obfuscated bytecode protection and a custom execution engine. In addition, any other project files can be automatically encrypted if required, which is ideal for protecting files such as templates or XML documents. This is complemented Loader API functions for reading and writing encrypted files.
Labels: php 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - The security risks of AJAX
The term web 2.0 was coined by O’Reilly Media following a number of conferences that it hosted in 2004. The popular media latched onto the concept and turned it into a popular phrase that has become synonymous with a new breed of website. Web 2.0 sites typically bring user collaboration to the foreground and offer interactivity closer to that of a desktop application.
Labels: Ajax 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - XML Databases
This paper examines the role of XML databases. It looks at the requirements for storing XML, the retrieval and query requirements, and the different ap- proaches that are possible. In particular, it looks at the situations in which a native XML database such as Software AG’s Tamino XML Server offers advantages over other methods of storing XML documents.
Labels: Xml 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Querying XML Views of Relational Data
XML has emerged as the standard data exchange format for Internet-based business applications. This has created the need to publish existing business data, stored in relational databases, as XML. A general way to publish relational data as XML is to provide XML views over relational data, and allow business partners to query these views using an XML query language. In this paper, we address the problem of evaluating XML queries over XML views of relational data.
Labels: Xml 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Exploiting PHP code injection
This paper will demonstrate the use of a PHP code injection exploit, as part of the GIAC Incident Handler Certification (GCIH). We will study a specific vulnerability found in a PHP eval() statement, that will grant the attacker with a remote access on the vulnerable device. Then, we will show how to prevent this attack from happening. After giving all the details of this exploit, an incident handling process will be proposed. Although performed in a lab environment, this is a real attack that could be exploited over any open network, such as the Internet.
Labels: php 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - XML Metadata Services
As the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles have gained importance, an emerging need has appeared for methodologies to locate desired services that provide access to their capability descriptions. These services must typically be assembled into short-term service collections that, together with code execution services, are combined into a meta-application to perform a particular task. To address metadata requirements of these problems, we introduce XML Metadata Services to manage both stateless and stateful (transient) metadata.
Labels: Xml 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - MySQL 5.0 Stored Procedures
This book is for long-time MySQL users who want to know "what's new" in version 5. The shortanswer is "stored procedures, triggers, views, information_schema". The long answer is the“MySQL 5.0 New Features” series, and this book is the first in the series. What I'm hoping to do is make this look like a hands-on session where you, as if you're working it out yourself on your keyboard, can walk through sample problems.
Labels: database 0 comments
Oracle Database Listener Security Guide
The Oracle Database Listener is the database server software component that manages the network traffic between the Oracle Database and the client. The Oracle Database Listener listens on a specific network port (default 1521) and forwards network connections to the Database. The Listener is comprised of two binaries: (1) tnslsnr which is the Listener itself and (2) the Listener Control Utility (lsnrctl) which is used to administer the Listener on the server or remotely.
Labels: database 0 comments
Generics in the Java Programming Language
JDK 1.5 introduces several extensions to the Java programming language. One of these is the introduction of generics. This tutorial is aimed at introducing you to generics. You may be familiar with similar constructs from other languages, most notably C++ templates. If so, you’ll soon see that there are both similarities and important differences. If you are not familiar with look-a-alike constructs from elsewhere, all the better; you can start afresh, without unlearning any misconceptions.
Labels: Java 0 comments
free ebook and tutorail - PHP Security
Security is a measurement, not a characteristic. It’s is also an growing problem that requires an. It’s is also an growing problem that requires an continually evolving solution. Continually evolving solution. A good measure of secure application is it’s ability to a good measure of secure application is it’s ability to predict and prevent future security problems, before predict and prevent future security problems, before someone devises an exploit.
Labels: php 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Ajax 101
Welcome to the world of Ajax, the technology that lets Web software act like COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL desktop software. One of the biggest problems with traditional Web applications is that they have that ìWebî feel ó you have to keep clicking buttons to move from page to page, and watch the screen flicker as your browser loads a new Web page. Ajax is here to take care of that issue, because it enables you grab data from the server without reloading new pages into the browser.
Labels: Ajax 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - AJAX for Designers
For some AJAX is marketing speak for something that has been around for years. For others, it is the salvation they have been looking for, for seemingly centuries. I would tell the former group that the latter group finally caught up, and you should revel in the growth of your new community and accept them with open arms. Snobbery really won't help anyone.
Labels: Ajax 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Javascript & Ajax accessibility
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is a hot new technology on the internet [1]. AJAX allows the incremental update of portions of a web page without reloading the entire page. This has great performance benefits and provides a medium for developing rich internet applications. Accessibility concerns have arisen with the increased use of JavaScript and AJAX on the web. Advances in DHTML and its support by Assistive Technology (AT) vendors provide exciting new opportunities to create fully accessible AJAX applications. Currently there are several best practices and techniques that can be used to insure the accessibility of JavaScript and AJAX today.
Labels: Java Script 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Making XML Count
The availability of summary data for XML documents has many applications, from providing user swith quick feedback about their queries, to cost based storage design and query optimization. StatiX is a novel XML Schema-aware statistics framework that exploits the structure derived by regular expressions (which define elements in an XML Schema) top in point places in the schema that are likely sources of structural skew.
Labels: Xml 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Java + XML = JDOM
• JDOM is the Java Document Object Model
• A way to represent an XML document for easy and efficient reading
manipulation, and writing
– Straightforward API
– Lightweight and fast
– Java-optimized
Labels: Java, Xml 1 comments
free ebook and tutorial - XML – RPC
XML-RPC is a simple, portable way to make remote procedure calls over HTTP. It can be used with Perl, Java, Python, C, C++, PHP and many other programming languages. Implementations are available for Unix, Windows and the Macintosh.
Labels: Xml 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - The Network Oracle
This paper sets out a high-level research agenda aimed at building a collaborative, global end-system monitoring and information infrastructure for the Internet’s core state. We argue that such a system is beneficial, feasible and timely, representing an important area for engagement across database and networking technologies. We start by hypothesizing the benefits to the Internet of a “Network Oracle” that could answer real-time questions about the global state of the network. We then argue that database and networking technology should make it possible to provide a useful approximation of such an oracle today, gathering information from a large number of end hosts and delivering useful views to each end system.
Labels: database 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - AJAX for Designers
For some AJAX is marketing sp eak for something that has been around for years. For others, it is the salvation they have been looking for, for seemingly centuries. I would tell the former group th at the latter group finally caught up, and you should revel in the growth of your new community and accept them with open arms. Snobbery really won't help anyone.
Labels: Ajax 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - XML with SQL
Most business data are stored in relational database systems, and SQL (Structured Query Language) isused for data retrieval and manipulation. With XML (Extensible Markup Language) rapidly becoming the defacto standard for retrieving and exchanging data, new functionality is expected from traditional databases. Existing SQL applications will evolve to retrieve relational data as XML data using database or SQL extensions for XML. New XML data will be stored, searched, and manipulated in the database as a “first class” citizen along with existing relational data.
Labels: Xml 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - The PHP Accelerator 1.2
The PHP Accelerator (PHPA) is an extension to PHP that employs compiled code caching and code optimisation techniques to deliver a significant acceleration ofPHP scripts. This paper presents an overviewofthe PHPA design,and howPHPA integrates with PHP.
Labels: php 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - XML with SQL
Most business data are stored in relational database systems, and SQL (Structured Query Language) isused for data retrieval and manipulation. With XML (Extensible Markup Language) rapidly becoming the defacto standard for retrieving and exchanging data, new functionality is expected from traditional databases. Existing SQL applications will evolve to retrieve relational data as XML data using database or SQL extensions for XML. New XML data will be stored, searched, and manipulated in the database as a “first class” citizen along with existing relational data.
Labels: Xml 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Wf_XML Binding
This document represents a specification for an XML language designed to model the data transfer
requirements set forth in the Workflow Management Coalition’s Interoperability Abstract specification (WFMC-TC-1012) [1]. This language will be used as the basis for concrete implementations of the functionality described in the abstract in order to support the WfMC’s Interface 4 (as defined by the workflow reference model [2]).
Labels: Xml 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - AJAX and JSF with Netbeans 5.5
Because AJAX is new, it has very inconsistent support among browsers. Also, to develop with AJAX, you need to have some knowledge of JavaScript, which is out of reach for many page authors.
free ebook and tutorial - PHP Add a spell-checker
Long-time readers of this magazine will know that spelling is not our forte. In fact, you would be forgiven for thinking that our production monkeys have spent the last few months on strike over a raise in their peanut rations, as typos that even could have spotted have flown into print. However, we remain a cut above the rest: we rarely say w00t!, we do try to avoid Microsoft, and to the best of my knowledge we have never said anything was the suXX0rs no matter how negative a review was. This month we shall examine the ways in which PHP can help proof and correct written English on your site.
Labels: php 0 comments
free ebook and tutorial - Evolving JavaScript
JavaScript 2.0 is the next major revision of the JavaScript language. Also known as ECMAScript Edition 4, it is being standardized by the ECMA organization. This paper summarizes the needs that drove the revision in the language and then describes some of the major new features of the language to meet those needs — support for API evolution, classes, packages, object protection, dynamic types, and scoping. JavaScript is a very widely used language, and evolving it presented many unique challenges as well as some opportunities. The emphasis is on the rationale, insights, and constraints that led to the features rather than trying to describe the complete language.
Labels: Java Script 0 comments