The Web is no longer static; it's dynamic. As the information content of the Web grows, so does the need to make Web sites more dynamic. Think of an e-shop that has 1,000 products. The owner has to create 1,000 Web pages (one for each product), and whenever anything changes, the owner has to change all those pages. Ouch!!! Wouldn't it be easier to have only one page that created and served the content on the fly from the information about the products stored in a database, depending on the client request?
Nowadays sites have to change constantly and provide up-to-date news, information, stock prices, and customized pages. PHP and SQL are two ways to make your site dynamic.
Create dynamic sites with PHP & MySQL
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Creating the illusion of depth in images was first invented 1838 by Sir Charles Wheatstone. It is today still a great experience to
view high quality large format images with depth perception, exceptionally of virtual objects like reconstructions of the past or
building projects.
High quality presentation of computer graphics is provided by projection onto a transparent screen surface from behind. Image
separation can be easily performed by polarisation filters in front of the projection lenses. It is necessary that the beholders carry
polarized glasses. Interactive viewing in this context means, that the observer is able to select image pairs from the database, can
zoom in and out, select the display details and sets the zero parallax to an arbitrary position. The selection must be simultaneously
transferred to the second image of the stereoscopic pair.
While each data projector is driven by its own computer, a PDA (personal digital assistant) is recommended to receive the
instructions from the presenter or viewer. That network configuration requires amongst other software tools Bluetooth, to connect
the PDA to a local computer network, and ActiveSync, to hold a continuous connection between the PDA and the host computer.
Furthermore a Web server with PHP (hypertext pre processor) extension is running. Web browsers are acting as clients on both
computers and the PDA as well.
The challenge is now to write an application software that provides an interface on the PDA to set the adjustments and pushes the
image information to the graphic cards of the host and the slave computer. To minimize the effort in software development, open
source software components are largely applied to this system. We take advantages from Mozilla Firefox Web browser and Apache
Web server.