free ebook and tutorial - XML – RPC

XML-RPC is a simple, portable way to make remote procedure calls over HTTP. It can be used with Perl, Java, Python, C, C++, PHP and many other programming languages. Implementations are available for Unix, Windows and the Macintosh.


free ebook and tutorial - The Network Oracle

This paper sets out a high-level research agenda aimed at building a collaborative, global end-system monitoring and information infrastructure for the Internet’s core state. We argue that such a system is beneficial, feasible and timely, representing an important area for engagement across database and networking technologies. We start by hypothesizing the benefits to the Internet of a “Network Oracle” that could answer real-time questions about the global state of the network. We then argue that database and networking technology should make it possible to provide a useful approximation of such an oracle today, gathering information from a large number of end hosts and delivering useful views to each end system.


free ebook and tutorial - AJAX for Designers

For some AJAX is marketing sp eak for something that has been around for years. For others, it is the salvation they have been looking for, for seemingly centuries. I would tell the former group th at the latter group finally caught up, and you should revel in the growth of your new community and accept them with open arms. Snobbery really won't help anyone.


free ebook and tutorial - XML with SQL

Most business data are stored in relational database systems, and SQL (Structured Query Language) isused for data retrieval and manipulation. With XML (Extensible Markup Language) rapidly becoming the defacto standard for retrieving and exchanging data, new functionality is expected from traditional databases. Existing SQL applications will evolve to retrieve relational data as XML data using database or SQL extensions for XML. New XML data will be stored, searched, and manipulated in the database as a “first class” citizen along with existing relational data.


free ebook and tutorial - The PHP Accelerator 1.2

The PHP Accelerator (PHPA) is an extension to PHP that employs compiled code caching and code optimisation techniques to deliver a significant acceleration ofPHP scripts. This paper presents an overviewofthe PHPA design,and howPHPA integrates with PHP.


free ebook and tutorial - XML with SQL

Most business data are stored in relational database systems, and SQL (Structured Query Language) isused for data retrieval and manipulation. With XML (Extensible Markup Language) rapidly becoming the defacto standard for retrieving and exchanging data, new functionality is expected from traditional databases. Existing SQL applications will evolve to retrieve relational data as XML data using database or SQL extensions for XML. New XML data will be stored, searched, and manipulated in the database as a “first class” citizen along with existing relational data.


free ebook and tutorial - Wf_XML Binding

This document represents a specification for an XML language designed to model the data transfer
requirements set forth in the Workflow Management Coalition’s Interoperability Abstract specification (WFMC-TC-1012) [1]. This language will be used as the basis for concrete implementations of the functionality described in the abstract in order to support the WfMC’s Interface 4 (as defined by the workflow reference model [2]).


free ebook and tutorial - AJAX and JSF with Netbeans 5.5

Because AJAX is new, it has very inconsistent support among browsers. Also, to develop with AJAX, you need to have some knowledge of JavaScript, which is out of reach for many page authors.

free ebook and tutorial - PHP Add a spell-checker

Long-time readers of this magazine will know that spelling is not our forte. In fact, you would be forgiven for thinking that our production monkeys have spent the last few months on strike over a raise in their peanut rations, as typos that even could have spotted have flown into print. However, we remain a cut above the rest: we rarely say w00t!, we do try to avoid Microsoft, and to the best of my knowledge we have never said anything was the suXX0rs no matter how negative a review was. This month we shall examine the ways in which PHP can help proof and correct written English on your site.


free ebook and tutorial - Evolving JavaScript

JavaScript 2.0 is the next major revision of the JavaScript language. Also known as ECMAScript Edition 4, it is being standardized by the ECMA organization. This paper summarizes the needs that drove the revision in the language and then describes some of the major new features of the language to meet those needs — support for API evolution, classes, packages, object protection, dynamic types, and scoping. JavaScript is a very widely used language, and evolving it presented many unique challenges as well as some opportunities. The emphasis is on the rationale, insights, and constraints that led to the features rather than trying to describe the complete language.
