free ebook and tutorial - Oracle 9i RAC and the Red Hat Global File System

This application brief addresses how Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Red Hat Global File System can simplify shared storage management for Oracle 9i RAC deployments. Oracle 9i RAC is a scalable, highly-available, clustered database that runs efficiently on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and low-cost servers and storage. In December 2003, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle RAC set the world record for the TPC-C benchmark, achieving over 1 million transactions per minute on a shared storage cluster of 16 industry servers.


free ebook and tutorial - ionCube PHP Encoder 6.5 User Guide

The ionCube PHP Encoder is a powerful, high performance solution for encoding and licensing PHP scripts and encrypting files of any type. The Encoder protects PHP /HTML scripts with obfuscated bytecode protection and a custom execution engine. In addition, any other project files can be automatically encrypted if required, which is ideal for protecting files such as templates or XML documents. This is complemented Loader API functions for reading and writing encrypted files.


free ebook and tutorial - The security risks of AJAX

The term web 2.0 was coined by O’Reilly Media following a number of conferences that it hosted in 2004. The popular media latched onto the concept and turned it into a popular phrase that has become synonymous with a new breed of website. Web 2.0 sites typically bring user collaboration to the foreground and offer interactivity closer to that of a desktop application.


free ebook and tutorial - XML Databases

This paper examines the role of XML databases. It looks at the requirements for storing XML, the retrieval and query requirements, and the different ap- proaches that are possible. In particular, it looks at the situations in which a native XML database such as Software AG’s Tamino XML Server offers advantages over other methods of storing XML documents.


free ebook and tutorial - Querying XML Views of Relational Data

XML has emerged as the standard data exchange format for Internet-based business applications. This has created the need to publish existing business data, stored in relational databases, as XML. A general way to publish relational data as XML is to provide XML views over relational data, and allow business partners to query these views using an XML query language. In this paper, we address the problem of evaluating XML queries over XML views of relational data.


free ebook and tutorial - Exploiting PHP code injection

This paper will demonstrate the use of a PHP code injection exploit, as part of the GIAC Incident Handler Certification (GCIH). We will study a specific vulnerability found in a PHP eval() statement, that will grant the attacker with a remote access on the vulnerable device. Then, we will show how to prevent this attack from happening. After giving all the details of this exploit, an incident handling process will be proposed. Although performed in a lab environment, this is a real attack that could be exploited over any open network, such as the Internet.


free ebook and tutorial - XML Metadata Services

As the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles have gained importance, an emerging need has appeared for methodologies to locate desired services that provide access to their capability descriptions. These services must typically be assembled into short-term service collections that, together with code execution services, are combined into a meta-application to perform a particular task. To address metadata requirements of these problems, we introduce XML Metadata Services to manage both stateless and stateful (transient) metadata.


free ebook and tutorial - MySQL 5.0 Stored Procedures

This book is for long-time MySQL users who want to know "what's new" in version 5. The shortanswer is "stored procedures, triggers, views, information_schema". The long answer is the“MySQL 5.0 New Features” series, and this book is the first in the series. What I'm hoping to do is make this look like a hands-on session where you, as if you're working it out yourself on your keyboard, can walk through sample problems.


Oracle Database Listener Security Guide

The Oracle Database Listener is the database server software component that manages the network traffic between the Oracle Database and the client. The Oracle Database Listener listens on a specific network port (default 1521) and forwards network connections to the Database. The Listener is comprised of two binaries: (1) tnslsnr which is the Listener itself and (2) the Listener Control Utility (lsnrctl) which is used to administer the Listener on the server or remotely.


Generics in the Java Programming Language

JDK 1.5 introduces several extensions to the Java programming language. One of these is the introduction of generics. This tutorial is aimed at introducing you to generics. You may be familiar with similar constructs from other languages, most notably C++ templates. If so, you’ll soon see that there are both similarities and important differences. If you are not familiar with look-a-alike constructs from elsewhere, all the better; you can start afresh, without unlearning any misconceptions.


free ebook and tutorail - PHP Security

Security is a measurement, not a characteristic. It’s is also an growing problem that requires an. It’s is also an growing problem that requires an continually evolving solution. Continually evolving solution. A good measure of secure application is it’s ability to a good measure of secure application is it’s ability to predict and prevent future security problems, before predict and prevent future security problems, before someone devises an exploit.


free ebook and tutorial - Ajax 101

Welcome to the world of Ajax, the technology that lets Web software act like COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL desktop software. One of the biggest problems with traditional Web applications is that they have that ìWebî feel ó you have to keep clicking buttons to move from page to page, and watch the screen flicker as your browser loads a new Web page. Ajax is here to take care of that issue, because it enables you grab data from the server without reloading new pages into the browser.

free ebook and tutorial - AJAX for Designers

For some AJAX is marketing speak for something that has been around for years. For others, it is the salvation they have been looking for, for seemingly centuries. I would tell the former group that the latter group finally caught up, and you should revel in the growth of your new community and accept them with open arms. Snobbery really won't help anyone.


free ebook and tutorial - Javascript & Ajax accessibility

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is a hot new technology on the internet [1]. AJAX allows the incremental update of portions of a web page without reloading the entire page. This has great performance benefits and provides a medium for developing rich internet applications. Accessibility concerns have arisen with the increased use of JavaScript and AJAX on the web. Advances in DHTML and its support by Assistive Technology (AT) vendors provide exciting new opportunities to create fully accessible AJAX applications. Currently there are several best practices and techniques that can be used to insure the accessibility of JavaScript and AJAX today.


free ebook and tutorial - Making XML Count

The availability of summary data for XML documents has many applications, from providing user swith quick feedback about their queries, to cost based storage design and query optimization. StatiX is a novel XML Schema-aware statistics framework that exploits the structure derived by regular expressions (which define elements in an XML Schema) top in point places in the schema that are likely sources of structural skew.


free ebook and tutorial - Java + XML = JDOM

• JDOM is the Java Document Object Model
• A way to represent an XML document for easy and efficient reading
manipulation, and writing
– Straightforward API
– Lightweight and fast
– Java-optimized
